Provider TMS Consult
When a provider is documenting the TMS Consult, please reference the following workflow:
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Mapping (PROC)
The order will automatically route to the following practice role inboxes for the TMS techs. Leave the order open until auth is obtained.
Check-In-TMS Treatment
When checking in a patient for a TMS appointment, it is important to remember to update the Rendering Provider, please refer to the following workflow.
In clinician view click the little door next to the patient's name on the home screen.
1. Click "Start Check-In" on the bottom left side of the screen.
2. Review the check-in screen.
3. Change the “Rendering Provider” to the provider that the appointment is to be billed under.
4. Ensure that the Authorization is linked to the patient visit.
5. Print any necessary clinical forms (Consents, etc.)
6. Attempt to collect and outstanding balances on the patient account.
Note: You can click "Edit" next to the copay to flip to a different copay
7. Once complete, click "Done with Check-In" at the bottom of the page.
8. In patient banner at the top of the page, click "Exam" to navigate to the patient encounter.
Provider/Tech TMS Treatment Documentation
(TMS Tech) Use TMS Treatment Reason for visit
(TMS Tech) Document the PHQ-9 score weekly
(TMS Tech) HPI: use the text macro .TmsPreSession
(Provider) Document appropriate diagnosis under Assessment and Plan
(Tech/Provider) Document the appropriate Procedure Documentation:
TMS - Mapping MagVenture for initial treatment
TMS - Treatment MagVenture for subsequent treatments