Supervision MD Meeting
Documentation in athenaOne
We use Athena to document when supervision meetings occur and ensure that providers' schedules are appropriately blocked for this meeting time. Below are the steps for this workflow:
Practice Assistant Workflow Steps
Supervising MDs will reach out directly to practice assistant to communicate date/time for scheduling supervision meeting. From there, practice assistants will take the following steps to schedule the time in Athena:
1. Search for and schedule
the "Supervising MD patient" on the Supervising MD’s Athena schedule:
Patient Naming Convention is: [SUPERVISING], [MD First Name, Last Name]
2. Schedule the time using one of the Supervising Meeting appointment types. There are options for 30, 40, and 60 minute meetings:
- Supervising Meeting MD 30
- Supervising Meeting MD 40
- Supervising Meeting MD 60
Once scheduled, it will look like this on the Supervising MD's schedule:
3. Block the time on the APP
schedules using the Manage Appointment feature. Use non-patient appointment type titled "Supervising Meeting APP". This will block the APPs schedule and display like this:
4. In checkout, mark the patient visit
as “No charge entry”.
Supervising MD Workflow Steps
1. MD checks in the "Supervising MD
patient" appointment from the schedule:
2. Supervising MD documents using the ".supervising" text macro in the Assessment & Plan section and
closes the encounter
Text macro:
You will select the dropdowns to indicate the APPs included in the meeting:
NOTE: Once completed and you click on "CLOSE" to sign off on the encounter it will prompt you to acknowledge the billing, screenshot example below.
Click on continue and then click on " Save and Mark Review" which meets the requirements to close the encounter. Now you can click on "Close".